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Anxiety, Depression, & Self-Esteem



Each of us holds a certain level of anxiety, as anxiety is interwoven into our ability to survive (according to the Polyvagal Theory, click on the following link to find out more). Meaning, that anxiety can be a strength! However, some struggle with anxiety levels that can range from completely debilitating to impacting one’s quality of life. This kind of anxiety is unwelcome and extremely frustrating, as it can impact one’s relationships, career, and otherwise.


Battling depression is extremely frustrating, discouraging, isolating, and confusing. As with anxiety, it can completely debilitate one’s life and impede one’s quality of life. Individuals can often feel embarrassed by their depression, as they feel it is something they should be able to control; however, frequently it is out of one’s control and can be related to chemical imbalances, genetics, personality, or one’s environment (click on the following link to learn more).

Often individuals feel ashamed of their depression, which can hinder one from seeking help. This is a fine line to walk, as depression can impact one’s will to survive in some instances. Know that you are not meant to walk in your depression alone! There is no shame in reaching out for help, as it requires great courage!

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or need someone to speak with you can contact the 24-Hour National Suicide Prevention/Mental Health Crisis Lifeline 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255), call 911, or go to your nearest emergency room.


One’s self-esteem is often a contributing factor and can be a component of depression. Self-esteem can dominate one’s relationships, sense of self-efficacy and self-worth, career, and so on. Often, self-esteem issues hold their roots in childhood or adolescence. A negative message may have been communicated either implicitly or explicitly that began to shape one’s sense of self-worth and may have been reiterated in various forms over a period of time, that then reinforced that original message. This can be a very tangled, confusing, discouraging and frustrating web to unweave.



I have worked with several clients battling depression, anxiety, and/or low self-esteem. Often the three are intermingled, but sometimes clients are only battling one of these areas. All of these struggles need to be addressed because of their impact on one’s quality of life. I am passionate about working with these issues, as I desire whole-hearted living for each person.


I operate from a past, present, and future lens, which is critical when working with all of these areas. Often my therapeutic approach with these issues involves a combination of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Somatic Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Ego State Therapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy. I believe it is critical when responding to each of these issues to pair copings skills with processing. Assessing for client readiness with trauma processing is essential for safe, effective, and long-term healing. Taking inventory of one’s lifestyle is often a part of looking at depression and anxiety holistically. This also involves viewing one’s life from a biological, psychological, social, and spiritual lens.


When collaboratively approaching these areas therapeutically, we are often working to identify core belief systems, explore how relationships have shaped one’s belief system, process relational wounds, process family of origin-related issues, question and investigate previous and desired belief systems, identify triggers, accept one’s emotions, challenge one’s thoughts, implement new core belief systems, explore roles and identity, identify individual needs and desires, improve self-esteem, foster empowerment, build coping skills, develop self-care habits, build new dreams, develop goals, process previous and current healthy/unhealthy relationships, identify desired types of relationships, create healthy and congruent relational boundaries, increase community support, grieve losses, and process life transitions.

I would be honored to walk alongside you in navigating the present struggles you are fighting, as you do not have to overcome them in isolation. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me today to discern your immediate needs and how we can best partner to meet your desired goals. I look forward to hearing from you!

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