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Relationships and Boundaries

Relational boundaries


We are relational people, who each come with our own set of personalities, ways of life, values, and beliefs; thus, we are constantly faced with relationship challenges. “Boundaries” tends to be a buzz word that means something different for everyone because each person has a different threshold within their relationships. This includes depth or shallowness of casual or intimate conversations, how involved/uninvolved individuals are in others’ lives, physical proximity during social interactions, as so on.

There are several layers to relationships and various types of relationships (professional, acquaintances, close friendships, family, etc.). Each of these types of relationships call for different roles and levels of responsiveness. Determining one’s individual limits within relationships is unique to each person and often requires having experienced both healthy and unhealthy boundaries. Our boundaries are predicated upon the dynamic of the relationship, individual needs and desires, and personality. Thus, creating healthy boundaries is a multi-faceted and often tiresome process, as it frequently involves trial and error. Healthy boundaries are the ticket to fostering and maintaining life-giving relationships. If we lack boundaries, then we often expend energy unnecessarily in undesirable relationships, which leaves minimal room for those relationships that actually nurture us. Part of determining values involves looking at each relationship in one’s life and taking inventory of how much energy we expend versus our desired amount of expended energy for each relationship.


I am passionate about helping clients navigate relationships because relationships are vital to our well-being. We need community and it is absolutely crucial that we have people in our lives who encourage and challenge us. My heart is to help clients identify their desires and needs within relationships, in order to foster and maintain healthy relationships. I have personally navigated (and continue to, as it is always a work in progress) several types of relationships, including step-family; in-laws; siblings; marital; parent/child; friendships; family members with mental illness, including substance abuse; and professional. I have also walked with clients in navigating these types of relationships, as well. While creating healthy and congruent boundaries is no easy feat, it is ultimately very rewarding and life-giving!


I approach counseling individuals and families regarding relationships and relational boundaries on case-by-case basis, predicated upon their unique and immediate needs. However, often we are collaboratively working to identify individual needs and desires, increase understanding of one’s and others’ personalities, create healthy and congruent relational boundaries, increase community, improve self-esteem, process family of origin-related issues, process previous and current healthy/unhealthy relationships, identify desired types of relationships, explore roles and identity, foster empowerment, explore congruent discipline practices, expand communication skills, and develop self-care habits. Therapy often involves techniques from Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Mindfulness-Based Therapy. In some instances, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is necessary for self-esteem, anxiety, trauma, and family of origin-related issues. I would be honored to walk alongside you in navigating the present season you are finding yourself in! I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Next steps...

Whether you are seeking counseling, career, or talent acquisition services, I would love to connect with you! Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me today to discern your immediate needs and how we can best partner to meet your desired goals. I look forward to hearing from you!

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